(EFficienza E Sicurezza dei TOrni)      

The direct beneficiaries of the "EFESTO" project Are the Sicilian SMEs belonging to the field of metalworking that have highlighted the need to develop skills and knowledge about the field of health and safety in the workplace as a crucial element to ensure development and business growth. Training as a tool for improvement of corporate strategy on health and safety in line with the agreements StatoRegioni December 21, 2011, it coordinates well with the need to intervene in behavior and in the educational system preventional of each individual worker in a complex collage that determines and redraws the realities of work in an innovative perspective and social responsibility.

Lavoratori di imprese maggiormente soggetti al rischio di infortuni sul lavoro.

The project aims to develop and implement targeted training measures, which are able to respond to market needs and business requirements and reference figures specifically for the integrated management and risk assessment in the field of metal processing, taking into account the differences in gender, generational, and geographical origin, taking into account the activities most at risk of injury, and those considered most disadvantaged.



Studies and research on disadvantaged workers in the construction industry and the role of continuing education as a tool for job placement.